Installation of ELK Stack in Cent OS 7


In this post we will give you a step by step guidance to install ELK Stack on Centos 7. You can refer 'ELK Stack- Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana' to get more information about ELK Stack.

In this Installation process contain main 6 steps.

    1. JAVA Installation-Elasticsearch and Logstash require Java and it should a recent version of Oracle Java 8 because that is what Elasticsearch recommends.
    2.  Elasticsearch Installation-Working as a database of ELK and need java to run
    3. Kibana Installation-Visualizer of ELK
    4. Nginx Installation- Localhost needed to run Kibana service and need to set up a reverse proxy to allow external access to it. We will use Nginx for this purpose.
    5. Logstash Installation- Data Processor for ELK
    6. Filebeat Installation-Lightweight shipper for logs


1.  JAVA Installation                                      

Elasticsearch and Logstash require Java and it should a recent version of Oracle Java 8 because that is what Elasticsearch recommends.

Go to home directory and download the Oracle Java 8 (Update 73, the latest at the time of this writing) JDK RPM with these commands:

cd /home/{your_directory}

wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" ""


Then install the RPM with this yum command (if you downloaded a different release, substitute the filename here):

sudo yum -y localinstall jdk-8u73-linux-x64.rpm

Now Java should be installed at /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_73/jre/bin/java, and linked from /usr/bin/java.

You may delete the archive file that you downloaded earlier:

rm ~/jdk-8u*-linux-x64.rpm

Now that Java 8 is installed, Check installed java version with following command.

Java -version


2.  Elasticsearch Installation


Elasticsearch can be installed with a package manager by adding Elastic’s package repository.

Run the following command to import the Elasticsearch public GPG key into rpm:

sudo rpm --import


Create a new yum repository file for Elasticsearch. Note that this is a single command:

echo '[elasticsearch-2.x]

name=Elasticsearch repository for 2.x packages





' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch.repo

Install Elasticsearch with this command:

sudo yum -y install elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is now installed. Now edit the configuration file(elasticsearch.yml) in /etc/elasticsearch/

sudo vim /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

Enable memory lock for Elasticsearch by removing a comment on line 40. This disables memory swapping for Elasticsearch.

bootstrap.memory_lock: true

Need to restrict outside access to Elasticsearch instance (port 9200), so outsiders can’t read data or shut down Elasticsearch cluster through the HTTP API. Find the line that specifies, uncomment it, and replace its value with “localhost”.

elasticsearch.yml => localhost


All the configurations look like this:

Save and exit elasticsearch.yml.

Now start Elasticsearch:

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch

Then run the following command to start Elasticsearch automatically on boot up:

sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch

Now that Elasticsearch is up and running, Check status of Elasticsearch service from following command

sudo systemctl status elasticsearch

3.  Kibana Installation


Install Kibana with this command:

  sudo yum -y install kibana

Open the Kibana configuration file for editing:

  sudo vi /opt/kibana/config/kibana.yml

In the Kibana configuration file, find the line that specifies, and replace the IP address (“” by default) with “localhost”:



Then find the line that specifies elasticsearch.hosts, uncomment it, and replace its value with["http://localhost:9200"] ”.


        elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"]


All the configurations look like this:

Save and exit. This setting makes it so Kibana will only be accessible to the localhost. This is fine because we will install a Nginx reverse proxy, on the same server, to allow external access.


Now start the Kibana service, and enable it:

sudo systemctl enable kibana
sudo systemctl start kibana

Check status of Kibana service from following command.

sudo systemctl status kiban


4.  Nginx Installation

Localhost needed to run Kibana service and need to set up a reverse proxy to allow external access to it. We will use Nginx for this purpose.

Add the EPEL repository to yum:

sudo yum -y install epel-release

Now use yum to install Nginx and httpd-tools:

sudo yum -y install nginx httpd-tools

Use htpasswd to create an admin user, called “kibanaadmin” (you should use another name), that can access the Kibana web interface:

sudo htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/htpasswd.users kibanaadmin

Enter a password at the prompt. Remember this login, as you will need it to access the Kibana web interface.

Now we will create a Nginx server block in a new file:

sudo vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/


Paste the following code block into the file. Be sure to update the server_name to match your server’s name:



    server {

        listen 80;




        auth_basic "Restricted Access";

        auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/htpasswd.users;


        location / {

            proxy_pass http://localhost:5601;

            proxy_http_version 1.1;

            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;

            proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';

            proxy_set_header Host $host;

            proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;       




Save and exit. This configures Nginx to direct your server’s HTTP traffic to the Kibana application, which is listening on localhost:5601. Also, Nginx will use the htpasswd.users file, that we created earlier, and require basic authentication.


Now start and enable Nginx to put our changes into effect:

sudo systemctl start nginx

sudo systemctl enable nginx


Now that nNginx server is up and running, Check status of Nginx service from following command

sudo systemctl status nginx

Note: This tutorial assumes that SELinux is disabled. If this is not the case, you may need to run the following command for Kibana to work properly: sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1

Kibana is now accessible via your FQDN or the public IP address of your ELK Server i.e. http://elk\_server\_public\_ip/. If you go there in a web browser, after entering the “kibanaadmin” credentials, you should see a Kibana welcome page which will ask you to configure an index pattern. Let’s get back to that later, after we install all of the other components.

Go to web browser and type http://{Server_IP}/status  in the address bar to check Kibana dashboard work correctly and it should be green status.


5.  Logstash Installation

Install Logstash with this command:

sudo yum -y install logstash

Logstash is installed but it is not configured yet.

Logstash configuration files are in the JSON-format, and reside in //etc/logstash/conf.d. The configuration consists of three sections: inputs, filters, and outputs.

Let’s create a configuration file called logstash.conf and set up our “Filebeat” input:

sudo vim /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash.conf

Insert the following configuration:

#read input from filebeat by listening to port 5044 on which filebeat will send the data

input {


            type => "test"

            port => "5044"

            #client_inactivity_timeout => 3600




filter {

  #If log line contains tab character followed by 'at' then we will tag that entry as stacktrace

  if [message] =~ "\tat" {

    grok {

      match => ["message", "^(\tat)"]

      add_tag => ["stacktrace"]






output {


  stdout {

    codec => rubydebug



  # Sending properly parsed log events to elasticsearch

  elasticsearch {

    hosts => ["localhost:9200"]



Then save and exit.

Verify the Logstash configuration files.

        service logstash configtest

Finally add Logstash to start at boot time and start the service.

sudo systemctl enable logstash
sudo systemctl start logstash


Check status of Logstash service from following command

sudo systemctl status logstash


6.  Filebeat Installation


On Client Server, create run the following command to import the Elasticsearch public GPG key into rpm:

sudo rpm --import

Create and edit a new yum repository file for Filebeat:

sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/elastic-beats.repo

Add the following repository configuration:


name=Elastic repository for 7.x packages







Save and exit.

Install Filebeat with this command:

sudo yum -y install filebeat

Filebeat is installed but it is not configured yet.

Now we will configure Filebeat to connect to Logstash on our ELK Server. This section will step you through modifying the example configuration file that comes with Filebeat.

On Client Server, create and edit Filebeat configuration file:

sudo vi /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml

Filebeat is using Elasticsearch as the output target by default. We need to change it to Logshtash. Disable Elasticsearch output by adding comments to the following section in filebeat.yml

Disable Elasticsearch output.

#-------------------------- Elasticsearch output ------------------------------
  # Array of hosts to connect to.
#  hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

Now Uncomment following lines to enable   Logstash as a default output of Filebeat.

#----------------------------- Logstash output ------------------------------


  # The Logstash hosts

  hosts: [""]

** you should comment “output.elasticsearch: and uncomment “output.logstash: to  get output from filebeat. Otherwise it will not return output to logstash service


You can include your log file path to filebeat.input
      Filebeat need log file location to read  error log for send data to Logstash pipeline.Add your error log path to filebeat.input section in Filebeat.yml in /etc/filebeat


        - /{your_log_file_path}/log/*

** You need to concern about yaml indentation when you edit .yml files.


To read system log from error modules in Filebeat:

Filebeat modules simplify the collection, parsing, and visualization of common log formats.


Fielbeat module list:

filebeat modules list







Enable the module:

        filebeat modules enable {module_name}

Eg.:  filebeat modules enable mysql



Now configure path to module’s error log from {module}.yml in /etc/filebeat/modules.d

Cd /etc/filebeat/modules.d

  Vim {module}.yml

Eg.: vim mysql.yml


Now add error log path as follows to {mysql}.yml file.

          var.paths: ["/path/to/log/mysql/error.log*"]

The ‘setup’ command loads the recommended index template for writing to Elasticsearch and deploys the sample dashboards (if available) for visualizing the data in Kibana. This is a one-time setup step.

        filebeat setup -e


Now, Restart Filebeat service
               Sudo systemctl restart filebeat


Go to Kibana server from your browser, your error log data will be there.